In November of 2022, Canada’s federal government announced the introduction of a tax credit that will refund up to 30% of the cost of capital investment for clean energy generation systems, including solar.
Manitoba Provincial Programs
Manitoba Solar Rebate Program
Established in April of 2022, the Manitoba Solar Rebate Program through Efficiency Manitoba offers rebates to Manitoba business owners and farmers who install grid-tied solar systems at a rate of $0.5 per watt of solar installed.
Manitoba Hydro offers a net billing program. This means that, with a grid-tied solar system, you can sell excess electricity back to the grid and receive credit for it at a fixed rate.
A solar system that generates exactly the amount of electricity you use will provide the fastest return on your investment. Excess electricity from an oversized system can always be sold back to the grid, but not necessarily at an efficient rate of return. Powertec Solar can help you size your system properly for the fastest returns.
Both residential and commercial solar systems can be grid-tied with a bi-directional meter.