
Solar Manitoba

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Manitoba solar panels

In Manitoba, there are over 300 sunny days each year; despite the long winters, this province has a high potential for solar power production. 

Innovations in the solar industry have made it more viable and efficient for Canadians to generate their own electricity. Manitoban home and business owners can use photovoltaic panels as a primary or supplementary source of energy.

At Powertec Solar Manitoba, we specialize in installing high-quality solar panels at affordable prices. We’re based in Winnipeg, and we offer sustainable and economic energy solutions for people across Manitoba. Whether you’re looking to reduce your energy bills, minimize your carbon emissions, or be independent of the power grid, we provide solar installations for a wide range of industries.

Here’s what you need to know about our solar services in Manitoba:


What Work We Do in Manitoba

We provide sustainable energy solutions for residential, commercial, industrial, and First  Nations communities. Whether you’re looking to install an off-grid or grid-tied setup, we can help. The areas that we service include:


Imagine substantially offsetting your monthly power bill—that’s the freedom that solar power offers. We install solar panels in residential areas across the province, including grid-tied and off-grid systems.

Homeowners are always looking for ways to cut down their utility costs. Those with a pool, hot tub, or large family are constantly using energy. Solar panels allow you to fulfill your demands while costing you less in utility bills. 

Installing solar panels adds value to your home. Potential buyers will be drawn in by the idea that they can minimize their monthly electricity bill. Better yet, you won’t be subject to rate increases for hydroelectricity on power you can use directly off your array.

Damage to power lines can be common in residential areas. With solar and a battery backup system, you won’t lose electricity when outages occur. You can draw from your backup battery’s storage to power your home even when the grid is down.

A roof-mounted setup requires minimal maintenance; due to the slope of the panels, most snow will naturally slide off them. PV panels can last for decades with the proper care. Given that lifespan, solar is an investment that pays for itself.


The climate in Manitoba can be unpredictable, especially during the winter. When you install an off-grid system, your business can remain operational even when there are power outages in your area. This prevents lost revenue from power outages. 

We can install a battery backup system that gives you total independence. When your competitor’s business is out of service, you can rest assured that yours will remain up and running. This serves as a way to attract new clients; when other services are down, yours will remain available.

Not only will you enjoy lower utility bills, but your customers will recognize that your business is taking steps to minimize its carbon footprint. Informing your customers that you’ve switched to solar shows that you’re conscious of your environmental impact.  By utilizing the power that the sun naturally offers, you can stand out from your competitors.

Show your customers that you’re committed to reducing fossil fuel emissions by installing solar panels at your industrial facility. Our Winnipeg solar technicians can help you improve the energy efficiency of your business and combat climate change.



Farms and warehouses have some of the highest energy needs of all. One of the most substantial costs you pay each month is your electricity bill. With solar power, you can take the cost of energy production into your own hands. 

In a warehouse or factory, businesses must pay commercial rates for their high electricity usage. The cost of solar becomes more feasible each year, while hydroelectricity rates are always increasing.  By producing energy in-house, you can cut out the middleman and produce your own power.

Your busiest hours tend to be the same time as when the sun is shining. Solar panels allow you to take full advantage of that. A property with consistent energy demands allows you to make the most of your electricity generation. As your business grows, so can your energy production; we can help you meet the electricity needs of your industrial facility.

Ever wondered how energy is used in your building? We provide 24/7 monitoring tools that track how much power your panels generate and where it gets used. You can identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved to minimize wasted electricity.

When you’re running a large-scale company, managing monthly costs allows you to improve your profit margins. Renewable energy is better for the environment and your bottom line.

First Nations Communities

In Northern communities, hydroelectric power isn’t always available; sometimes, your only option is to rely on diesel generators. But by using solar power, you can reduce your use of fossil fuels, protect yourself from fluctuating rates, and help preserve the environment. 

We install solar panels in First Nations communities across Manitoba. Long summer days are ideal for solar panels; while you soak up the sun, your panels will generate electricity that you can store for later usage. We can work with you to find incentives that make solar panels more affordable in Northern areas.

In remote areas, like on reserves, dealing with a power outage can be inconvenient; during the winter, it could be deadly. You might need to wait hours before power is restored to your community. An off-grid solar system lets you generate, store, and use electricity even when power lines are down. 

While hydroelectricity may produce less pollution than fossil fuels, it still damages ecosystems. Solar power provides a renewable source of energy production; it reduces our greenhouse gas emissions, protects our ecosystems, and saves our planet for future generations.


Whether you want to use solar power in your home or your commercial property, we can help. We have experience installing systems in a range of industries and locations across the province, from ground-mounted to roof-mounted panels.

Should You Choose a Grid-Tied or Off-Grid System?

If you’re thinking about setting up a solar system, one of the first questions to ask is whether you want it to connect to the grid.

For those who prefer an off-grid approach, we’ll help you set up a battery backup system and charge controller. This allows you to draw electricity even on cloudy days or at nighttime. In a remote area, you won’t need to rely on utility companies to solve issues with power lines and deal with outages.

If you enjoy exploring the remote areas of Manitoba, we provide solar panels that can charge your RV battery. These off-grid systems allow you to venture off the beaten path without worrying about your proximity to an electrical outlet.

When you install an off-grid solar array, you won’t be affected by hydroelectricity rate increases or power outages during extreme weather events.

Alternatively, you can install a grid-tied system. You’ll still need to pay for the electricity that you use, but it provides a safety net if you consume more energy than you produce. With this setup, you can access electricity from the power grid as needed. 

Manitoba Hydro offers a net billing program as opposed to a net metering program; you can sell your excess electricity to the company at a given rate and receive monetary credits for it. On a day when you need additional electricity, you can use those credits to purchase it.

A grid-tied system will be unavailable to you if there’s a power outage in your area. To prevent any loss of electricity, we can set up a battery for your system that you can draw from during outages.

For the best return on your investment, you need a system that’s optimized to generate as much energy as you require. Producing too little energy means you’ll need to buy more from Manitoba Hydro. Excess energy can be sold back to the company (provided you have a grid-tied system), but at a rate that may not be feasible. Our technicians can design a solar system that’s sized to produce the fastest return on your investment.

At Powertec Solar, we provide installation services for off-grid, grid-tied, or community microgrid solar arrays. Each system has unique advantages and disadvantages; if you aren’t sure which is right for you, contact us to schedule a consultation.

solar badges

MANITOBA SOLAR Incentives in Manitoba

Even though solar panels save you money in the long run, it can be difficult to afford the upfront costs of purchasing and installing your system. Financial grants can make solar more accessible to Manitobans. 

Incentives from the federal and provincial governments help open doors, allowing home and business owners to switch to solar power.

While grant programs are subject to change and can be time-sensitive, here are a few that can currently help you fund your solar installation.  We’ve broken them down into federal and provincial programs as well as differentiated between the incentives available for residential vs. commercial projects:


Federal Programs

  • Canada Greener Homes Federal Loan
  • Established in August of 2022, the Canada Greener Homes Loan has a minimum of $5,000 and a maximum of $40,000.  
  • The loan has an interest-free repayment term of 10 years. 

For more information or to apply for this loan, visit the Canada Greener Homes Loan homepage

Provincial Programs

  • Manitoba Solar Rebate Program
    • Established in April 2022, the Manitoba Solar Rebate Program through Efficiency Manitoba offers rebates to Manitoba homeowners who install grid-tied solar systems to a maximum size of 10kW and $5,000 per home.  
    • Homeowners must apply for this rebate within 90 days after the completion and inspection of a solar system.  

For more information or to apply for this rebate, visit the Efficiency Manitoba website.

  • Home Energy Efficiency Loan (HEEL)
  • HEEL is offered through Manitoba Hydro in partnership with Efficiency Manitoba.  
  • It offers up to $20,000 in financing for Solar PV systems up to a maximum of 15 years.  The annual interest rate is 6.4% for the first 5 years. 

For more information or to apply for a Home Energy Efficiency Loan, visit the Manitoba Hydro website.   


Federal Programs

  • Clean Energy Technology Tax Credit
  • The Canadian government has announced a new tax credit for investment in clean energy generation systems, including solar.  It will refund businesses up to 30% of their capital investment.

Manitoba Provincial Programs

  • Manitoba Solar Rebate Program
  • Established in April of 2022, the Manitoba Solar Rebate Program through Efficiency Manitoba offers rebates to Manitoba business owners who install grid-tied solar systems in the amount of $0.50/Watt with no system size cap.  
  • To find out more about this rebate program or to apply, visit the Efficiency Manitoba website.  

Manitoba Hydro’s Buy Back Program

  • Manitoba Hydro offers a net billing program.  This means that, with a grid-tied solar system, you can sell excess electricity back to the grid and receive credit for it at a fixed rate.  
  • A solar system that generates exactly the amount of electricity you use will provide the fastest return on your investment.  Excess electricity from an oversized system can always be sold back to the grid, but not necessarily at an efficient rate of return.  Powertec Solar can help you size your system properly for the fastest returns.  
  • Both residential and commercial solar systems can be grid-tied with a bi-directional meter.  

For more information visit Efficiency Manitoba’s website

How Do I Determine if Solar is Feasible for Me?

As solar technology advances, it becomes increasingly efficient and economical for Manitobans. A host of factors will influence the photovoltaic potential in your area. If you’re looking for more information about whether solar makes sense for you, get in touch with Powertec Solar. We’ll help you determine whether solar panels are a good fit for your property. 

With our advanced modeling technology, we can make accurate projections about how much power your solar system will generate. We offer a free solar feasibility analysis. Our solar installers can help you determine your current energy usage, and the system size you’ll need to produce it.

We’re available to answer any questions that you might have about installing and optimizing solar systems. Our services are customizable and scalable to the demands of your home, business, or community. To learn more, contact Powertec Solar today.

Work & Projects

See pictures below of solar installations completed by Powertec Solar.