We’re the #1 supplier and installer of solar panels in Winnipeg
We supply and install a wide range of solar solutions for all types of applications.
Grid-Tie & Off-Grid Available
We’re certified to connect your system directly to Winnipeg's Hydro grid, or we can plan out off-grid power storage solutions.
Save Money On Your Energy Bill
Due to recent innovations in solar technology, solar power is now an economical and environmentally friendly option for Winnipeg residents.
Quick Return on Investment
Let us help you size your solar power system to get the quickest return on investment possible.
Grid-Tie Systems
Homeowners across Canada are adding solar electric modules to their roofs in order to reduce their environmental footprint and save money on their utility bills. Winnipeg gets on average 315 sunny days/year, and is the best place in Canada to implement solar energy solutions. Many homes produce 20% – 50% of their annual power needs through rooftop solar systems. This is a green alternative even to hydro-electric which (although cleaner than coal) is devastating to many ecosystems. Solar electric prices have fallen significantly over the last five years, making this an economically viable solution for homeowners in Winnipeg Manitoba.

24/7 Monitoring
We provide you with a mobile app to track your power production 24 hours/day 7 days/week. Not only that, we will monitor your panels production as well, and if anything isn’t performing properly we’ll schedule a time to come over and get things working how they should be.
Let Powertec Solar Plan, Finance, and Install your Solar Panels
With over 315 sunny days a year, Winnipeg is a perfect city for solar power. Residential and commercial roof solar panels have been popular in southern states for over a decade, but up until recently the technology wasn’t available to create solar panels that were efficient enough to produce a payoff in northern locations. Over the last 5 years however, solar panels have become more efficient and have decreased in price by over 80% making them a viable and economical solution for Winnipeg residents renewable energy needs.

WINNIPEG SOLAR Incentives in Winnipeg
Even though solar panels save you money in the long run, it can be difficult to afford the upfront costs of purchasing and installing your system. Financial grants can make solar more accessible to Manitobans.
Incentives from the federal and provincial governments help open doors, allowing home and business owners to switch to solar power.
While grant programs are subject to change and can be time-sensitive, here are a few that can currently help you fund your solar installation. We’ve broken them down into federal and provincial programs as well as differentiated between the incentives available for residential vs. commercial projects:
Federal Programs
- Canada Greener Homes Federal Loan
- Established in August of 2022, the Canada Greener Homes Loan has a minimum of $5,000 and a maximum of $40,000.
- The loan has an interest-free repayment term of 10 years.
For more information or to apply for this loan, visit the Canada Greener Homes Loan homepage.
Provincial Programs
- Manitoba Solar Rebate Program
- Established in April 2022, the Manitoba Solar Rebate Program through Efficiency Manitoba offers rebates to Manitoba homeowners who install grid-tied solar systems to a maximum size of 10kW and $5,000 per home.
- Homeowners must apply for this rebate within 90 days after the completion and inspection of a solar system.
For more information or to apply for this rebate, visit the Efficiency Manitoba website.
- Home Energy Efficiency Loan (HEEL)
- HEEL is offered through Manitoba Hydro in partnership with Efficiency Manitoba.
- It offers up to $20,000 in financing for Solar PV systems up to a maximum of 15 years. The annual interest rate is 6.4% for the first 5 years.
For more information or to apply for a Home Energy Efficiency Loan, visit the Manitoba Hydro website.
Federal Programs
- Clean Energy Technology Tax Credit
- The Canadian government has announced a new tax credit for investment in clean energy generation systems, including solar. It will refund businesses up to 30% of their capital investment.
- Manitoba Provincial Programs
- Manitoba Solar Rebate Program
- Established in April of 2022, the Manitoba Solar Rebate Program through Efficiency Manitoba offers rebates to Manitoba business owners who install grid-tied solar systems at a rate of $0.50/Watt with no system size cap.
- To find out more about this rebate program or to apply, visit the Efficiency Manitoba website.
Manitoba Hydro’s Buy Back Program
- Manitoba Hydro offers a net billing program. This means that, with a grid-tied solar system, you can sell excess electricity back to the grid and receive credit for it at a fixed rate.
- A solar system that generates exactly the amount of electricity you use will provide the fastest return on your investment. Excess electricity from an oversized system can always be sold back to the grid, but not necessarily at an efficient rate of return. Powertec Solar can help you size your system properly for the fastest returns.
- Both residential and commercial solar systems can be grid-tied with a bi-directional meter.
For more information visit Efficiency Manitoba’s website.
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